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Náš úspěch v chovu chausií

Sheryl Koontz, která je ve výboru TICA pro chausie, vybrala naší odchovanou chausii F2 Terry (viz.dole), jako jednu ze tří chausií, které by zvolila do chovného programu. Jsme tím velmi potěšeni.

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Sheryl Koontz, která je ve výboru TICA pro chausie, vybrala naší odchovanou chausii F2 Terry (viz.dole), jako jednu ze tří chausií, které by zvolila do chovného programu. Jsme tím velmi potěšeni.

 Throwing these out here. Examples of what look/coloring should be on Chausies. We have a brown ticked tabby baby, a black grizzled adult and an F1 baby.  Excellent examples of the breed, generations, that they are.  Correct in color and type.  These are the correct colors for the breed and what we breed for.  This is what I expect to see as a 22 year breeder of Chausie Cats. 
It is NOT possible to determine a % of any cats wild genes other than an F1.  When you look at some kittens vs. others or adults, you will get a clear idea of who has a higher % in their background and who was bred with the perfect cat in the mind of the breeder. 
If you are buying a pet, it does not matter who you select, purchase the one you think is the most adorable. As a breeder when you purchase, choose wisely.. 
The goal is to have all Chausies in the lower generations look as much like a Jungle cat as possible eventually. We have not met that goal yet as breeders.  I would love to have the 3 cats I added the photos of in my program.




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